Stat-X® fire suppression systems with thermal operation are stand-alone units that incorporate their own patented detection mechanism, eliminating the need for separate detection and release controls. This design allows for cost-effective fire suppression, as the Stat-X unit functions as both the fire detector and the extinguisher.
When the temperature at the generator reaches a specific activation point, it is activated, flooding the protected space and quickly suppressing the fire. The elimination of expensive control panels, wiring, and installation costs, along with the agent being stored at its discharge point, significantly reduces overall expenses.
With the capacity to address Class A (surface), B, and C fires, Stat-X thermally operated units are mounted as a single unit for each protected space and are ideal for a wide range of smaller enclosures and special hazard applications.
Stat-X is an advanced technology offering peerless firefighting capabilities gram for gram over gaseous or dry chemical agents. The rapid response of the Stat-X system quickly suppresses fires, thereby reducing damage and preventing uncontrolled fire spread.
Available in the following sizes (see specifications for more details):