Engineered fire suppression systems have consistently proven to be the most effective means of providing fire protection for a space. In these cases, the fire suppression agent has been carefully chosen and application rates and densities have been calculated. As long as the system is inspected and maintained, it should perform as expected and provide extinguishment or suppression in the event a fire occurs in the protected area.
A typical fire suppression system consists of the agent, a discharge mechanism, and some form of a fire detection system (such as smoke, flame, or heat detectors). The concept is simple—the fire detection system detects the presence of fire, and a signal is sent to the discharge mechanism resulting in release of the fire suppression agent.
The Stat-X® fire suppression agent can be deployed by a number of means. The most effective mode of discharge is via an installed total flooding system. The total flooding of a space with Stat-X rapidly suppresses the fire. Furthermore, the agent remains suspended for several minutes to prevent reflash. Stat-X is rated for Class A (surface), B, and C fires, giving it almost universal application.
When installed as part of an engineered fire suppression system, Stat-X electrical units are used. The Stat-X generators in this instance are actuated by an electrical signal sent from the alarm panel. Stat-X electrical units are supplied in a variety of sizes to protect special hazard applications. For example, 15-gram units can be used to protect small enclosures, all the way up to multiples of 2,500-gram units.
Stat-X is an advanced technology offering peerless firefighting capabilities gram for gram over gaseous or dry chemical agents. The rapid response of the Stat-X system quickly suppresses fires, thereby reducing damage and preventing uncontrolled fire spread.
Contact us today at 1-866-525-8514 to discuss your fire protection needs and discover how the Stat-X system can enhance your safety measures.