Fire Suppression for Energy Storage Systems and Battery Energy Storage

October 13, 2022
Stat-X® condensed aerosol fire suppression is a solution for battery energy storage systems (BESS) applications and energy storage systems (ESS).

Advanced Technology Stat-X highly-advanced fire suppression technology offers the lightest, most compact, and economical fire extinguishing solution available. Our Stat-X generator is an extremely rugged, hermetically sealed, stainless steel canister containing a stable, solid compound. In the event of a fire, Stat-X units automatically release ultra-fine particles and propellant inert gasses which effectively extinguish fires using less mass of agent than any other conventional extinguishing system.

What is a lithium battery? A lithium-ion battery or Li-ion battery is a type of rechargeable battery in which lithium ions move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode during discharge and back when charging.

The Risk The deep-seated nature of battery fires creates extinguishing challenges for all extinguisher types. Due to out gassing prior to and during ignition of the batteries, reflash is a potential hazard. Unlike gas systems operating under high pressure seeking exit of the hazard area, Stat-X aerosol operates at a low pressure and remaining in the environment to provide ongoing protection. Gas systems will exit the hazard area through any unclose able openings. The Stat-X aerosol remains buoyant and allows for unclose able opening(s), whereas in high pressure gas systems the gas will exit rapidly.gasses which effectively extinguish fires using less mass of agent than any other conventional extinguishing system.

TEST RESULTS The Stat-X aerosol extinguishing product was tested for efficacy in suppressing Li-ion battery fires. It was found that the Stat-X agent successfully extinguished single and double cell battery fires. This testing was conducted in parallel with a large battery fire testing program. Fireaway Inc. contracted with DNV GL for testing to have its Stat-X product line included in the program.

See Stat-X video on ESS Energy Storage System Fire Suppression:

Fire Test Module

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